Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I finally kicked my butt to going back to NIA last Saturday and again tonight. The class is SO wonderful, It's so relieving spiritually, and physically i know i must do my best to continue. Every time i'm there dancing i feel like Freya doing her magic.

It is said that the goddess Freya danced herself into a frenzy when she wanted to work her magic. There is no doubt when i'm dancing and letting the music flow i'm magical. The energy that builds and is shared is pure magic, it's no wonder that techno and clubs are so much fun!! the hard beats and constant flow are a natural filter of negativity, and the perfect equation for love

Blessed Be!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Darkness

With the changing of seasons from summer to fall, then eventually winter, we experience an increase in the darkness. During this time of year we see the sick getting sicker, higher diagnosis of depression, and increased pain level.

Personally i have an increase in pain, but in some way the lack of sunlight affects us all. It cold be the cold, which is the result of the sun being gone, or the actual light itself. Like cats are genetically attracted to heat to stay alive, so are we to natural light. It's the reason we are able to see, breath, and many other important things. It makes perfectly logical sense why depression is such a common problem during these cold months. It's why we turn to all the great comfort foods of the season and maybe put on a pound or 10. Anything will work.

But the best ways to help you through these months are to do the things you do during the bright sun filled months. Get outside at least 15 minutes a day, breath in that fresh air. Find plenty of activities to do with loved ones, get in 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week, and eat seasonal food.

Some time's these just won't be enough to snap you out of that winter funk. In that case why not find one of those neat sun simulating lamps. They are getting used for a variety of reasons medically. Just goes to show that natural light is a great cure all.

Stay healthy and Blessed Be!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


There are many ways to meditate. Pure music and noises, guided, walking, the possibilities are endless.

This week i tried walking meditation and it just wasn't gonna happen. So then i tried running, that seemed to be at least doable for my face paced personality. But then today i applied the same concepts to swimming. It was perfect, and honestly one of the more rewarding meditations i've had in awhile.

Now keep in mind i don't suggest this to anyone who doesn't swim regularly, or perhaps isn't the strongest of swimmers.

To start off i completely tensed my body while i began to swim, focus on the very core of my limbs, the bones. I thought about how that tension felt for a while and then moved my focus to the surrounding muscles and ligaments. After i got a good sense of how the muscles were acting and feeling as i moved i changed focus to my skin, and how the water felt going over it.

Eventually i was able to move my focus onto how the water felt moving around me. How it felt from my motions and the others in the pool. The conectivity i gained to everyone in the water, and to the pure element itself was magnificent.

I've never been so close, energetically, to water before. This is something i plan on doing atleast once a week, since i swim atleast 4 days a week. It's easy and a great way to get in those few more minutes that you want to do. Even when you get into this meditative state while running will tack on atleast another couple miles.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


now i typically have bad dreams, i have for years and they don't really bother me anymore. But i have to say the one i had last night is still messing with me tonight.

So my best friend is pregnant! Now it's with my ex but i'm still really happy for them.

The dream was that my bf died giving birth, leaving the child in the hands of my ex and myself. But what was really strange was that somehow the child was born inside my ex, and so now he had like two personalities or something. It went on and things were really freaky.

I'm not really sure how to interpret this. I know it could be for telling that my bf will abandon her child which sadly is something we've all been thinking. Then there's my ex, who i know would never leave his child and is already changing for the better. So i guess this shows the old and new him are combined within. But the whole concept of he and i being united over this is what was really shocking. I mean the whole reason we broke up is because we brought out the worst in each other when we were in a relationship, but are perfect as friends.

Sigh, i suppose only time will solve this mystery for me