Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Ok so I'm standing here in line waiting to see New Moon. Never did i think that I'd get wrapped up in something like this! I remember when the first movie came out and I thought it was just silly. We'll a friend of mine keg talking about the books and I started to think that maybe I should read this saga everyone is talking about. It wasn't till last spring though that I picked up the first book.
Two days and two books later I was officially a fan. Then I saw the movie and was comentating through the whole thing. Its not very often that an author can create a story that appeals to all generations much less is actually appropriate. The books are a very VERY easy read but the story is so captivating it just blows your mind.
What a talent Stephanie Meyer has to truly be able to talk much less touch a vast range of people. Its no wonder that I am here waiting to get into a movie that won't open its doors for another hour and a half.

This does seem like an awfully silly thing to be doing on a Saturday night but how silly can it be? I think everyone has their own obsession and a good cult movie really let's you be a kid again. Just look at Pulp Fiction, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Star Wars and Star Trek. These are just a few with a massive cult following. It has been years since the last cult was started and what a better story than this?

So call me silly a dork whatever it may be but here I am waiting and what's worse is I already have two movies in my mind which I will be attending midnight showings. Enjoy the things you can and don't regret what you enjoy for you never know when you'll get the chance again.

Breaking Point

we tend to put ourselves under a lot of stress no matter what age or situation. Some of it is our own making some is our environment. But how long can you build on that stress or let it set there until you can't take anymore? Them once you are there how do you choose to handle it?
Well I about at my breaking point and let's be honest I'm not sure how much longer my rational mind will continue to control my animal instincts. the stress began when my boyfriend lost his job. I continued to believe that it wouldn't be that bad and put everything on the back burner. Well after a few months that pot started boiling. After we got the water under control its like a pot of grease started boiling and every so often as we began to confront the hardships we were ignoring the grease began popping.
Well now the grease is starting to pour over and instead of moving the pot off the burner I'm trying to just turn the heat down. Some how it seems I keep spinning that dial the wrong way.
I find myself on the brink of coming unglued and with one thought left to keep me together we will see how strong it is. Every once in awhile my tears start falling which tells me how ill react once I've finally broke. Violently.
whenever I find myself in a Stressful situation its like my emotions react the exact opposite of what my actions will be once I've boiled over. The maelstrom which is fixing to hit might not leave a lot in its wake.
As it is I've had it and am only containing myself for one reason. Seeing as how that reason will soon be leaving the uncaring side of me will be revealed. The fact is I will not be put on the back burner!