Sunday, October 30, 2011

The witching hour

Here it is just minutes before Samhain officially begins for the year. the power brooding inside ever cell of my body is almost overwhelming. Artemis (who shares my vessel) loves to take over around this time of year. The power, the magic that i am able to produce these next few days is stronger than i can imagine on a normal day.
The urge to dance to sing to praise cant be any stronger than the witching hour, and tonight of all nights while i still have control of my actions is indescribable. I suddenly know where all of Artemis's belongings are. The vale between the spirit world and the physical world is so thin and for those like me who carry such strong spirits this is the most wonderful of holidays.
Halloween can be a great celebration but rarely will you see those like me gallivanting around in costumes taking the night to party. We find ourselves busy performing the most powerful magic of the year. I've taken my day to prepare my meal my dances my spells, and everything else i need. i'm just glad i was able to get my homework done because i can't hold on any longer, i just wish i was able to take that beast out of my friend tomorrow night. everyone enjoy and those who truly celebrate Blessed Be!! Happy new year may you be guided on a path of light in times of such turmoil and aggression against one another. Most of all enjoy the next couple days and the celebrations we have prepared!!! It's time for Artemis to take over now, she loves you