Friday, November 20, 2009


"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."- Aesop

This quote makes me wonder what you consider as an act of kindness? You can be a wonderful and caring person gracing others purely with your presence. Allow others to strive to be better. However there is the Flip side of this where people become jealous because they've been forced to acknowledge there own flaws and are therefore threatened by that righteous person. So would being a good person and living to your best that you may inspire others actually be considered and act of kindness?
reading this quote you can interpret it in two lights. The first being that your kindness will acquire positive outcomes and thankfulness from others. However the later of the interpretations seems to be more likely.
We can do kind things and be considered a kind person and feel like there is a world of things wrong with our being. You may wonder how this is possible. Well to me what this qoute stands for is that your good deeds create action. That action can be seen as good or bad. To me as long as your kindness invokes change in others it really has gone unwasted. This change can present itself one of two ways and it all depends upon how open that person is to change and self criticism.
Your kindness can be returned as thankfulness, and truly this is what we all desire. But god loves to test the righteous and often the change you invoke in people whether directly or indirectly comes back as a negative reaction. others can act as they hate or resent you asking you to feel remorseful of your actions and condemning what you do.
Don't let this get you down though. This is a natural reaction and gods little way of testing your core self, as he loves to do. We are a very stubborn and lazy species kind of like a donkey when you think about it. There is so much room for personal growth, whether it spiritual physical or mental, but we stay in the same pasture and will only begin to move forward if pushed or guided the right way.
We naturally want to dig our haunch's into the ground and stay right where we are at where its comfortable and warm. Who really wants to step out of our comfort zone just for what seems like a tiny ray of light that things may be better off? As understandable as this is we must step out of our comfort zone in order to change and if we want any ambition for a better life we must accept that pushing and tugging and just step out of our pasture.
As kids we weren't afraid of change or rejection we could go out for a sports team get denied and keep trying. So why not remember your inner child and accept the challenge and become a stronger person.
Now I was wondering if a kind good and righteous person just living to honor themselves and that which is around them is considered an act of kindness. To me it is for he simple fact that by living as they do they invoke change in others. Do you invoke change? well we all do so why not be a role model and not tare others down. We will all be challenged and asked to change but it is your reaction that will continue to let that positive kind energy flow. So when was the last time you lashed out at another or resented them? Was it because you might have been that donkey not wanting to budge? Well take the chance today to turn that around instead of a donkey become a doe frolicking in the pasture. I won't guarantee you won't find a pot hole every once in awhile but you'll be exploring and having a great time through the cold and the warmth.