Saturday, December 3, 2011


I lie in a house hold where everyone is considered obese. Along with the obesity comes pain. Personally i have tension headaches (i've had a headache for now 8 years), chronic migraines, tendonitis in major joints, torn rotator cuff, bursitis, costrochondritis, and severe lower back pain that the doctors can't figure out. not to mention the knee my dr doesn't wanna perform surgery on.
My father can be considered unsympathetic towards all of it, unless i'm to the point i'm going to urgent care or the er. He too suffers from pain and i truly feel bad. How can i show him sympathy though when he seems to not give a crap when his own family is sick or in pain? It's not just towards me but my mother and sister as well.
He plays the martyr game when he isn't well, and granted he does tough through a lot, but how is it he can't have a little compassion for his family when they are suffering? I'm usually a compassionate person when someone i care about isn't feeling well, but it's difficult to have that same compassion towards my father.
I guess some people are just that way. I pray that his eyes open and he can find it within himself to remember that we are in fact his family. That we would give him the care he wants and needs if only he would be able to show it to us as well.
I can take care of myself i just wish that the criticism would go away.