Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The little things that make a moment possible

The moment of victory is much too short to live for that and nothing else." Martina Navratilova

This really makes you think, and not in a very positive light at first. But now that i've had some time to let this soak in i think i get it. Victory is this moment, what's next? Now i've talked throughout the week about staying present of the current moment and enjoying it. I believe there is still room to look to the future however. I mean if i embraced this actual moment, i wouldn't even be sure what key to press next.
It's about moderation. In the negative thoughts that this makes me think it pushes me even more to enjoy my life for what it is, because then every moment is victory. But i agree victory is a short lived emotion, just like that high you get when you first fall for someone. As short lived as it may be it doesn't mean you shouldn't embrace it. Just remember that there are other things. My day wasn't just wonderful because i found out my boyfriend will be in town for christmas, but for all the little things as well, i got through class, i'm getting along with my family, i have a wonderful dog, and enjoy my schooling

Remember not to be so focused on the exact moment that you forget the entire picture of what made the moment so great, because most of those things can remain present as long as you choose to. No matter what i have Dash and everyday he makes me happy, he is my constant, everything else comes and go just enjoy the moment for what it is.

Blessed Be