Tuesday, January 31, 2012


It's the middle of the night and I can actually say my mind is calm (as calm as mine ever gets.) I have a list of things running through my mind but laying here listening to the soothing sound of my sisters dog snoring is relaxing my whole body.
It's in a moment like this when I know im tired and have things that must be done I begin to worry about all that must be done. We all say there is not enough time in the day. Im proud to say I know there is and I just wish I could use it.
To be successful its all about management. I know everything I must do and have deadlines for it all but I have one problem, I can't use the time sitting right in front of me. I know its a sorry excuse but thanks to pain issues by 3 in the afternoon I'm practically dead. My words slur my eyes are barely open and I can't keep a thought in my head for more than a few minutes.
So everyday I find myself taking my evening nap and usually wake up when the pain is either worse or somewhat relieved. Does this mess with my sleeping pattern? You bet. But even if I do end up staying up most the night by the time I'm in bed I can sleep for only a few hours before my pain brings me back out of it.
What about pain management? Well that seems to be an ongoing job. So I guess my question is how do I stay focused and determined not to mention productive when I have this giant issue looming over me at all times? Even now I'm regulating my breathing because my ribs hurt and trying to determine if I should put my tens machine on to sleep.
What cruel games the world plays on us. I know I'm not the only one who goes through issues with health. Unfortunately the world doesn't seem to care or want to help a person in my position. We live in a fast paced society and if we aren't running as soon as we hit the floor in the morning we never keep up. So for people like me we better hit the floor sprinting and never stop for gas. It's no wonder the health in our culture is steadly declining. I'm so blessed that I have the opportunity to get some of this under control while I'm in school. I just wish there was something out there for truly disadvantaged people to help them get through life.
Yes there is social security and disability but most of us dont qualify or get turned down and end up working ourselves into an early grave.
A heavy thought but one that ways my mind every time I have to lay down, or miss out on an activity, when I do poorly in school because the pain is too distracting....