Sunday, September 7, 2008

The American Child

Ok when i think, stereotypical American child, i think overweight mediocre grades no athletic talent loves video games watches a lot of tv and doesn't have a very good imagination.

Well i went on a hike this morning with my lovely sister. granted i go to the gym almost everyday, but she's 11 yrs old and couldn't even do half my pace. She's overweight, yeah yeah she's a growing girl, it's more than that. She refuses to do sports, she barely passes in her classes, and has an obsession for vid games and tv. she has a pretty artistic string in her when she chooses to use it. But honestly that's about all she has goin for her, and she's too lazy to pursue.
i love my sister dearly, most the time she's my best friend. I'm glad i'm able to influence her in a positive manner. however today i was really disappointed in her when i realized she'd become the stereotypical American child that the country is ashamed of.
Well she is just giving me even more motivation to work my hardest to set a good example and help other onto the path of a fully healthy lifestyle. Which includes exercise, diet, emotional well being, faith in some form or another.
I've decided thru my own personal journey/struggle with genetics that i want to become a nutrionist or physical trainer. Something in the "health nut" field, as my mom says. What better way could i give back to the world than to take my own experiance, learn from it and help others through the same challenges.
Right now i'm working on my sister. She knows she's overweight, and she's not happy with it. I want to be there every step with her aas she journies throughout her teenage years, cuz lets face it they are a bitch. Right now i can't do much about diet because the parentals control that. BUT i am paying for her membership to the gym, and i train her in the pool atleast once a week. Although it's frustrating to hike so slowly i don't mind going with her. Getting outside is a wonderful way of sparking her imagination and getting exercise in.
As for the faith side of things, i'm all about finding your own path. Mine just so happens to be in wicca, but who knows where hers may lie. She's very interested in learning about my faith, but i don't want to limit her mind. I'll be there with her and expose her to everything she askes about. I love my sister and even if she does turn out to be a fat and unsuccesful person i will thrive to inspire thru my own actions, and know that she is happy where she is.
for it is only our actions that we can control, to attempt to change others is a waste of time and emotional energy. That's not to say that it's bad to desire change in others. But what better way to change others than to inspire it in them thru your own actions?