Saturday, September 6, 2008

The season of change♦

Well you can really start to feel the change into fall during these last few weeks. It's like nothing i can really explain, but that i feel it in my bones. It makes sense though. As i was walking bear tonight i realized why this season is touching me, this year, more than ever before.
I'm moving on. I'm growing up if you will. I've left the past, and childish actions behind me, and i'm ready for the future. The world has changed in my eyes, and heart. It's a more beautiful thing, i tend to cherish life more. I can now see things from a first and third person perspective. My actions, though still fast and sometimes careless, are thought out.
The fall is also a time of reflection and learning. I've made that a ritualistic habit with everything i do now. i realize how i may have approached a situation in the past, what i can learn from then and what i can apply to the present.
Things are looking up and i'm happy to say i think i am making that transformation into adulthood. I'm ready to grow up and take responsability for my actions, i'm not afraid to be turned down, and to admit that i have flaws. i know i'm not invincable, and that thru my pain i will learn to be a better person day to day