Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I love waking up in the morning with those BEAUTIFUL morning rays seeping thru my blinds. Inviting me to share the glorious day that's about to take place. After i wake up, as i open the blinds a blast of energy hits me. I take a moment to absorb the powerful energy coming from the sun, maybe go out side and do a little sun salutation. As my eye's open to the brightness my soul opens to the greatness of the universe.
Many times i feel like steam fluttering away towards the heavens only to be closer to the stars. What a journey it would be to simply float in the sky, looking down upon mother earths creation, feeling the energies of trillions of lifeforms running thru me all at once.
With the morning sunshine brings an endless number of possibilities. Only thru truly living every moment will i get to feel what that energy had in store for me that day. It makes perfect sense that gloom comes with cloud cover, when the sun fades away in the winter. And then life bounces back in praise to the sun come spring.
Well i hope the sun will have a good rest come winter because until then i'm gonna take as much positive reinforcement from it that i can.