Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Season change

New friends, new faith (renewed really), new me!!

With this years Autumnal Equinox an abundance of change accompanies it. I couldn't be happier where i'm at with life, with the changes that are occurring, and those which will come. After this evening i feel like i can take on anything that life decides to throw my way. The next few months are going to be wonderful in many ways, and i can't wait to see what's in store. True we are stepping into the dark, but the fire in my heart is continuing to light the way. I have a feeling new love, challenges about my sense of self, and a fall will be coming in the next months. Granted i read astrology and love to, but these are all things i feel will happen none that i've read. For good and bad i'm ready, my heart is open and willing to live no matter what.

Autumn 2008 i welcome you!!!