Tuesday, September 16, 2008


It's amazing how much you can learn about yourself just from sharing your experience with others. Today was felt miserable, energetically speaking. I shared this with my mom and talking with her it clicked as to why i feel like this. Ritual!

Last night we had a wonderful full moon ritual. I tend to not fully realize how much energy i'm giving during ritual. I can feel the energy being raised and i know ritual is ALWAYS a powerful experience, but it surprises me how much it drains from me.

So thru the help of dance music, exercise, and meditation i'm back on track!! Just the music itself is enough to bring me back. It's amazing how energizing a good techno song will be. The affects last all day, both emotionally, and physically.

Well now that it has clicked next weeks ritual will be followed the next day upon waking with a nice techno song. It is kinda funny tho that in a way i have an energy hangover, lol, i never get real hangovers.