Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Life is such a funny thing to look upon. For instance the way people, really any living being, reacts to situations. Like my dog could care less about my cat, Caleb, BUT when he's running down the street because the stupid cat picked another fight, bear's dragging me down the street not chasing the black cat NO he's chasing Caleb, the one he ignores all the time. anyway
So on our way home from dinner tonight we had to flip a bitch in the jeep. As we're turning POP. Granted this car has been thru a few axles in it's day, so naturally i thought here we go again, but that's about as much as it phased me. I never thought i'd be the level headed one in the family but sure enough. We pull the car over my dad gets out and checks things out doesn't see anything.
As he gets back into the car he makes some rude remark that it was my mothers fault. So naturally my mom takes offense to the whole situation. She shakes her head and we drive home with the occasional yell from my father to be quiet.
During the whole thing my sister just kind of shys back into her cocoon, not to emerge for the rest of the night. Myself i think
1 no one's hurt
2 at least we weren't in texas going to terlingua
3 my mom didn't want to go to her convention tomorrow anyway, much less a walk with me when we got home
4 god my dad's a prick

so we get home take another look at the car i crawl underneath, nothing. we drive it around the block a couple times so we can listen to it. As i go thru my mind i realize it's most likely a broken bearing, no big deal, but kind pricey to repair.
As we walk in my dad decides to voice his opinion this time letting my mom know that trip he and i had been planning was now ruined (most likely true) because of her (not true). My mom just goes upstairs and starts to clean, at least i know where i got angry cleaning from.

It's just curious to see the way people act. My father likes to lash out at everyone and inflict blame, never taking responsibility or accepting that things just happen. my mom doesn't really react to the problem itself, but more the ripples that will come, she'll immediately become defensive, probably from being around my father for 30 yrs. My sister chooses not to react by pretending not to be in the situation. Then there's me i see the good and bad of the situation and don't have a general reaction but like to point out the pros and cons to those around me.
Reaction is a curious thing to watch. Honestly i don't think i was really affected by this whole thing because a part of me knew the trip wasn't going to happen for some reason.

meh. c'est la vie